Complete CSS Tutorial for Beginners in Hindi 🎓 Free Notes & Codes


🚀 Become a CSS Master in One Video in Hindi 🎉

Welcome to our World Best Complete CSS Course Tutorial for Beginners in Hindi, where you'll master Basic to Advanced CSS and the art of styling websites using CSS. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced CSS developer, this comprehensive CSS tutorial has you covered.


0:00 - Video Intro

5:50 - How the website works?


9:30 - What is CSS & Who Maintained It?

11:50 - CSS History

15:54 Thapa Technical From Future

17:29 - Inline vs Internal vs External

38:50 - Comments in CSS

42:16 - Colors in CSS

1:00:15 - CSS Bonus

1:09:23 - Background Properties in CSS

1:19:30 - Blending Mode in Figma (CSS)

1:25:15 - Parallax Website Project

1:32:46 - Units in CSS

1:56:03 - Fonts Properties in CSS

2:16:42 - Text Properties in CSS

2:39:05 - Box Model - Border in CSS

2:59:02 - Padding in CSS

3:12:26 - Margin in CSS

3:30:45 - Box Model in CSS

3:47:52 - Gradients in CSS

4:11:45 - Box Shadows in CSS

4:26:47 - Filters in CSS

4:36:24 Lists in CSS

4:44:16 - Anchor State in CSS

4:53:25 - Combinators in CSS

5:07:56 - Display in CSS

5:24:50 - Positions in CSS

5:52:55 - Z-Index in CSS

5:58:00 - Source Code Sale

6:00:10 - Overflow in CSS

6:09:50 - Pseudo-Elements

6:28:20 - Pseudo-Class in CSS

6:46:05 - Column Layout in CSS

6:51:41 - Flexbox in CSS

7:31:55 - Grid in CSS

8:09:50 - Transitions in CSS

8:37:53 - Transform in CSS

8:58:20 - Animations in CSS

9:25:50 CSS Variables

9:34:05 - CSS Specificity

9:49:30 - CSS New Features

10:04:55 - Is Where Has Pseudo-Elements

10:27:40 - Container Queries in CSS

10:36:55 - Bonus: Floats + Clip Path

CSS Complete Tutorial in Hindi🔥10+ Animated Projects + Mega Responsive Website | P-2


🚀 Become a CSS Master in One Video in Hindi 🎉

Welcome to our World Best Complete Advanced CSS Course Tutorial for Beginners in Hindi Part-2, 
This is the final part of our CSS + CSS3 Course, where you'll master Advanced CSS by practicing 10+and awesome Animated Project and also, learn how to create a real world professional websites using CSS. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced CSS developer, this comprehensive CSS tutorial has you covered.


0:00 - CSS Course Introduction
0:58 - Overview of 10+ Animated Projects
48:10 - Creating a Lunar Eclipse Animation
1:04:10 - Understanding Vendor Prefixes in CSS
1:09:10 - Introduction to BEM (Block Element Modifier) in CSS
1:12:28 - Exploring SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS)
1:19:30 - Overview of the Final Project
1:29:40 - Using Pixcap for Creating Awesome 3D Images
1:32:20 - Building the Main Project's Index Page
4:45:00 - Making Your Website Responsive
5:25:40 - SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Strategies
5:40:30 - Website Performance Optimization and Testing
5:47:15 - Setting Up Live Hosting for Your Website
6:02:40 - Website Speed Tests and Intro to AOS Plugin
6:10:00 - Conclusion and Outro